Very not cool with Plex tracking. Locally-hosted files that I control is the whole reason I use Plex! Zero reason for them to be snooping!

Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! — The tomb is empty! Sin, death, and the devil have been defeated!

Good Friday

ALMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father, who of thy tender mercy didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the Cross for our redemption; who made there (by his one oblation of himself once offered) a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction, for the sins of the whole world

The cross made these words true. In the darkness of the cross and tomb, we must remember that today is Good Friday. It is good because Jesus redeemed us on the cross and freed us for an eternal, resurrected life in the new creation with him. Thanks be to God!

I think I’m becoming one of those 1662 people. It’s just so beautiful! — 2019 is a great prayer book, but it just feels empty and dull in comparison.

Is it just me or has social media, especially Christian social media become meaner over the last year?

Labor laws & the tax code should be updated to support all families being able to live on a single-income with children. 40-hours/week should be the upper limit for dad, with a flexible 30 or 35 the norm. — Pandemic Parenting

Dual-column, paragraph format King James Bible; this doesn’t exist so far as I can tell, right?

So, if you start the morning office reading in Genesis 31 instead of Exodus, you’re going to be real confused for a bit. — I was like, wait, we’re defining tabernacle worship, why is Jacob here all of sudden!

Somehow, I’ve been married to this beautiful lady for six years. It is indeed “not good that the man should be alone.” I’m so thankful to have helper along life’s journey!

On some level, we need to stop being ashamed of our Catholic faith & worship. Instead of acting like an odd-ball uncle, we need to stand firm in the reality that American, low-church, Evangelicalism is the aberration in Church history. We are “normal” Christianity!

Recognizing that we got logs in our own eyes, I do wonder if us orthodox, magisterial Protestants and Catholics should speak up more about how bad an idea American Evangelical ecclesiology and theology are? Does our silence imply agreement to the secular world?

Major props are due to Polly. I’ve used Polly to add some retry logic to several services this week. It’s been a joy to work with and simple to implement. Great library. 👨‍💻

Collect for the Feast of St. Patrick, Apostle to the Irish

O almighty God, who in thy providence didst choose thy servant Patrick to be the apostle of the Irish people, that he might bring those who were wandering in darkness and error to the true light and knowledge of thee; Grant us so to walk in that light, that we may come at last to the light of everlasting life; through the merits of Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord. Amen. (BCP 2004, CoI) 🍀

Y’all, Tennessee being ahead of France and Germany in vaccines was not on my 2021 bingo card.

Y’all, I grew up in Alabama. I can confirm from the white side that, at least in my white Mormon circles, this type crap was going on in hushed tones outside of school. It pains me the stuff I heard as a kid and didn’t speak up about. I knew it was wrong.

I wonder, too, other than building a special garage in the back alley, how do city folk who park on the street charge their vehicles?

With electric cars accelerating towards the mainstream, I wonder how long it’ll be before a family can travel from Tennessee through Alabama without much thought about finding a place to charge the car enroute?

I really dislike time changes. Please, Congress, make this the last one for Tennessee and a few others states. 🕰

🚨⛪️🚨 *Free* Chaplain in Nashville!

🚨⛪️🚨 Final announcement before I go Methodist and do something crazy and solo: Free — as in I don’t need any money — ordained & Vanderbilt trained chaplain and clergy person available for almost any ministry or context in Nashville. Please share if you know a ministry that might have interest! I know there are ministries in need, I’ve just been unsuccessful at connecting with them as yet.

I’m enjoying the BCP 1662 International Edition. I can’t say I notice the language updates (them to those trips me up sometimes), but the typesetting and size are an improvement over my trusty Cambridge edition. Fitting state prayers are an added bonus.